Frequently Asked Questions

Is Curious Minds Studio the right fit for me?
At Curious Minds Studio, we work with adults aged 18 years and over for a range of clinical areas.
We work best with individuals who are motivated to engage in the therapy process and are willing and able to commit to regular sessions to experience the benefits that psychological therapy can bring.
Curious Minds Studio is an appointment-based private practice service where our clinicians work part-time. This means we are not a suitable service if you require urgent help/are in a crisis.
We offer services to privately attending clients and under Mental Health Treatment Plans.
We do not bulk-bill, so gap fees do apply (see 'Fees'). We do not accept funding under other third-party arrangements (e.g., NDIS, Open Arms/DVA, Work Cover, Victims Services, Chronic Disease Plans) and we are unable to complete medico-legal reports.
What is the process to book an appointment?
To book an appointment, please complete the Contact Form, or send us an email with your name, age, and 1-2 brief sentences about the issues you’re seeking support with.
We will review your email and if we are able to book you in with one of our psychologists, we will email you the next steps which includes:
Completing an online information and consent form
Completing an online registration form with your details
Utilising the online Client Portal to book your appointment at your preferred time. Once booked, you will receive a confirmation email with the details for your appointment.
What can I expect at the first session?
We realise starting therapy with a psychologist can be daunting, however want to assure you that we can go at your pace.
The first session includes reviewing administrative matters, confidentiality and consent, commencing history taking and assessment (getting an understanding of your presenting concerns and relevant background history), and starting to discuss your therapy goals.
A few sessions of gathering background information may be needed before commencing therapy with your individualised treatment plan, however this will depend on the nature of your presenting concerns.
How many sessions will I need?
The length of therapy will vary depending on your presenting concerns, relevant history, and treatment goals. Please feel free to discuss with your psychologist any questions or concerns about this once you have started your sessions.
Do I need a referral to see a psychologist?
No, you do not need a referral. Clients are welcome to attend privately however please note you will be unable to access a Medicare rebate without a GP referral.
I need urgent support. Who can I contact?
If you need urgent support, please contact Lifeline in 13 11 14 or the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511 for triaging and assessment. You can also see your GP or present to the Emergency Department of your nearest hospital. In life threatening emergencies, phone 000.
How do I contact Curious Minds Studio or my psychologist?
All general and administrative queries can be sent to
Please note, email is not to be used for clinically sensitive or confidential matters. All clinically sensitive matters are to be discussed directly with your psychologist during your booked appointment time. This policy is in place to protect your privacy and confidentiality.